BEAUTIFUL DAY ABOARD Miss Belmar! Miss Belmar Princess - Gorgeous day on the ocean and Better Blue fishing today! It was pretty good start in the morning for the first few hours and then fizzled off but we managed to pick all day. The readings were...
It was much cooler today than yesterday and a bit cloudy but it was still a great for whale watching on the Miss Belmar! We headed north again to where our sightings have been and we spotted a whale close to where our sighting was...
We had another exciting day on our whale watching trip. We headed north to where our recent sightings have been and it wasn't long until we not only found a humpback whale, but tons of dolphins swimming with him, too! We got plenty of...
TOUGHER FISHING DAY TODAY for Miss Belmar Miss Belmar Princess - Tougher Blue fishing today. It was pretty good to start in the morning and then fizzled off for a while and picked back up later in the afternoon. The readings were there and the fish...
GORGEOUS 4th of JULY WEEKEND on Miss Belmar! WEEKEND WRAP UP: We had so many AMAZING trips this weekend! From Fishing to Whale & Dolphin Watching to Private Charter Booze Cruises to 4th of July Fireworks Cruises! The weather held out for the...
We had an amazing Fourth of July on the Royal Miss Belmar! Picture perfect weather, great ocean conditions and plenty of fresh ocean air! We headed north and found the same whale we saw yesterday just off of Sandy Hook. Everyone was...
We have had amazing sightings on all our trips this past week! From 3 humpback whales together with hundreds of dolphins to great shows of lunge feeding and tail slapping, this has truly been an amazing week at MissBelmarWhale and Dolphin...
BLUES, SEA BASS, LING, FLUKE today on Miss Belmar! This morning on the 3/4 day trip we started out catching BLUES but it fizzled out so we switched to SEA BASS and started picking away on NICE SIZED KEEPERS! Most anglers on board caught their limit +...
CRAZY BLUE FISHING DAY on Miss Belmar! This morning started off with a BANG! Big areas of fish and GREAT READINGS! We had some drifts where there was at least a DOZEN hooked at once and by afternoon it stopped and the fish didn't want to bite...
BEAUTIFUL BLUE FISHING DAY on Miss Belmar! This morning started slow for Miss Belmar Princess, about a dozen or so Blues landed. Around noon time is when the ACTION PICKED UP! Plenty of readings and the fish were jumping on top! We ended the day with...
BETTER FISHING TODAY on Miss Belmar Royal Miss Belmar went out today for the 1/2 Day trip for FLUKE and Bottom Fish and had a tough day. The wind combined with a strong current made for a very fast drift and made holding bottom difficult. Even with...
Miss Belmar WEEKEND WRAP UP! It was a Beautiful Weekend but fishing wasn't as great as it was prior to the weekend unfortunately. Friday June 24th - on the 3/4 trip we had a Solid morning of Jigging Blues and experienced anglers all caught their...
It was the perfect day for whale watching! It was very warm on land but nice and cool on the ocean. We headed north towards Sandy Hook where we have recently been seeing whales. We spotted our humpback whale much to the delight of all our passengers....
NICE DAY ON THE WATER BLUE FISHING on Miss Belmar! We read plenty of fish all day! Picked away all day and had 3-5 fish on at a time most drifts. Today you had to work for them and those that did caught their LIMIT of BLUES! Those more inexperienced...
GREAT FISHING DAY FOR Miss Belmar! Royal Miss Belmar went out today for the 1/2 Day trip for FLUKE and Bottom Fish and had a good day. We picked away on the FLUKE all day and there were PLENTY of shorts and a good amount of KEEPERS came over the rail...
COME GET YOUR BLUES on Miss Belmar! BEAUTIFUL DAY and GORGEOUS OCEAN! First day catching up the blues for the season and we had some GOOD BLUEFISHING for a few hours today! Plenty of bird life and fish splashing! SEVERAL LIMITS around...
Miss Belmar WEEKEND WRAP UP! What a fun and exciting Father’s Day weekend for fishing and whale watching! We were lucky to have good weather on our side and were able to catch up those SEA BASS before it ended for the season today. We had an...
DECENT DAY OF FISHING FOR Miss Belmar! Wet Morning and a little choppy today but we still managed a decent catch! MULTIPLE Species came over the rail today! We had SEA BASS, LING, COD, FLUKE and FLOUNDER all come over the rail today!! Today's...
ANOTHER GOOD DAY OF FISHING FOR Miss Belmar! GORGEOUS DAY and GOOD SEA BASS FISHING again today on Miss Belmar Princess! The weather was great this morning and by the afternoon it started getting a little choppy so there wasn't as many bites as...
Weekend Wrap Up Report for Miss Belmar! Sunday June 12th - Very Rainy and Windy day made for a little bit of a difficult fishing day but we Picked away and managed a decent catch of KEEPER SEA BASS and LING with of course some throwbacks. Monday...