We had another exciting day on Miss Belmar Jersey Shore Whale Watching! The weather was so beautiful and warm for early November and the kids were off from school so it was the perfect day to whale watch. We didn't have to travel far today to find our humpback whales. We actually found two different whales right off of Belmar. The first whale was very interested in the boat and came right up alongside us a few time much to the delight of our passengers. We had a few little ones on board who were never on a boat before and never saw a whale, so they were extra excited! This whale was a lot of fun to watch and he even surprised us with some tale throwing behavior! You can see a video of that on our facebook page, Miss Belmar Jersey Shore Whale Watching. Not too far away we spotted another spout and went on to see the second humpback whale. This whale was smaller than the first one but gave us lots of great tail shots. To make the day even nicer, we got to see a beautiful sunset on our way back to the marina. We have a few more trips left this season and are running our Customer Appreciation Sale until November 18th so NOW is the BEST time to go whale watching with us!!
BOGO FREE!! Buy one regular price ticket ($65) and get a second one FREE!! Or get $20 off adult fare and get a FREE HOTDOG!
Don't miss out on seeing these majestic giants of the sea during their migration south. After this they won't be back in our area until next April. Book your trip today!!