Splendid weekend aboard BOTH the Miss Belmar Princess and the Royal Miss Belmar!
Friday was another BEAUTIFUL day on the ocean for the Miss Belmar Princess! Bluefishing was a slow start, only landing a handful in the morning. We switched gears and went MACKEREL fishing and it was Killer! Everyone aboard had their fair share of ACTION! High hook was over 60 MACKEREL! Finished the day trying for Blues again but they didn't want to bite in the afternoon.
Saturday was a GREAT DAY for Miss Belmar Princess! We had an all out SLAUGHTER of MACKEREL for about 3 hours! EVERYONE on the ship got in on the ACTION. High Hook was 50 PLUS MACKEREL and MANY LIMITS of SEA BASS around the boat too! Handful of BIG FLUKE and SEVERAL LIMITS of BLUES as well! One angler even hooked and released a 250+ Pound Sandtiger Shark! For the Royal Miss Belmar on Saturday there was a slight improvement over the 3 previous days. We had some ACTION with shorts and a few KEEPER FLUKE and SEA BASS mixed in.
Sunday was a tad slower for the Princess compared to Saturday but was still a nice ACTION PACKED day! We had nice LONG DRIFTS producing plenty of action all day! Tons of MACKEREL came over the rail again along with some nice JUMBO SEA BASS and some KEEPER FLUKE. We also had a bunch of Blues ranging in Cocktail size to Medium sized come over the rail. For the Royal on Sunday there was pretty much the same ACTION as Saturday. A bunch of shorts came over the rail and we had some KEEPER FLUKE and SEA BASS as well.
Overall Exciting and Fun weekend had by all!
Miss Belmar Princess - Rough Ocean today provided tough conditions. We did manage to pick away at MACKEREL all day and some nice SEA BASS! A few BLUES came over the rail today too and a Bluefish was the pool winner today. Looking forward to a calmer ocean tomorrow and improved results.
BACK AT IT TOMORROW for BOTH Fishing trips! COME ON DOWN, Be there by 7am!
We know how HOT it has been out there the past week, just remember BOTH the Miss Belmar Princess and the Royal Miss Belmar have AIR CONDITIONED Cabins for you to take a break and cool off whenever you need!
JOIN US on either the 1/2 day trip or 3/4 day trip and catch your dinner!
Miss Belmar Princess is sailing Daily for Blues now from 7:30am-2:30pm
Royal Miss Belmar is sailing for Fluke, Sea Bass, and bottom fish from 7:30am-12:00pm
MAKE YOUR RESERVATION at missbelmar.com or call Stephanie 732-681-6866