Great day again for Both the Royal Miss Belmar and Miss Belmar Princess! Royal Miss Belmar started the day slow going with the FLUKE but LIMITED the boat out on SEA BASS. Tried fluking again and had some nice KEEPERS but just not enough. Everyone caught PLENTY of SEA BASS and saw some FLUKE come over the rails both shorts and keepers. Miss Belmar Princess started off with nice KEEPER SEA BASS and then MACKEREL coming over the rail left and right. PLENTY of LIMITS of SEA BASS around the boat and TONS of MACKEREL for everyone. Later in the day the BLUES rolled in and took over the show!! BLUES COMING OVER THE RAIL LEFT AND RIGHT FOR ABOUT THE LAST 2 HOURS OF OUR TRIP! A big shark then rolled in and killed the bite but it was time to go anyway. Beautiful day for both boats with lots of nice people and everyone going home with fresh fish for dinner! Ray Berlin was todays pool winner on the Princess! Both boats back at it tomorrow!
Miss Belmar Princess is fishing for BLUES and MACKEREL tomorrow - departs at 7:30am and returns at 2:30pm
Royal Miss Belmar is fishing for FLUKE tomorrow- departs at 7:30am and returns at 12:30pm
MAKE YOUR RESERVATION at missbelmar.com or call Stephanie 732-681-0030 or Heather 732-681-6866